
Hi,  I’am Adam Abernethy. I am a marketing consultant focusing on packaging professionals so they can have the maximum impact on their marketplace. Many professionals, from doctors and lawyers to contractors and artists, have amassed a huge volume of information and experience in their prospective fields and yet very few people they come in contact understand the full value that they are being offered.Picture of Adam Abernethy, Author and Speaker

In order to influence that prospective client, patient or other party, a professional must make a big impact in the shortest amount of time. Once your value and expertise has been communicated and your authority has been established, you may find it easier than ever to grow your business and professional practice.

Local Marketing Trendsetters

Customer Attraction Strategies From Top Local Marketing Experts




Adam Abernethy SEO

How does anyone find anything on the web?

Only through search engines have people been able to efficiently find what they want, what they need, and what they’re willing to pay good money for: products, entertainment, professional services, insight and research, and so much more. SEO.

Information has always been a commodity. Knowledge is power, as they say.Well, in the age of the internet and mobile connectivity, the ability to quickly access information is vital for everyone in the world and if you have that information in a website, app, or other online form, delivering that content to a web user often leads to further success.

But the web contains trillions of pages.Adam Abernethy SEO Author and Speaker

How does anyone find anything in the middle of that? Only through search engines have people been able to efficiently find what they want, what they need and what they’re willing to pay good money for.

  • Products
  • Entertainment
  • Professional services
  • Insight in research
  • …and so much more.

So, to increase their chances of success, whether it’s to build a following, attract clients, sell products and services or all of the above, companies and individuals alike have learned how to make their websites more appealing by understanding and speaking the language of those in search of them.

They know that if people want something online, they’ll search for it using specific words and phrases. They’ll trust some websites more than others and they will react positively towards certain sites because of basic human nature.

This is what search engine optimization * SEO * is all about: preparation, content and understanding.

But SEO in not a button you press or some one time evaluation. SEO is an ongoing process, a way of thinking about your website. Preparing and creating it’s content. Connecting via social media and everything else that touches it. It’s about understanding those you hope to connect with, using the right words to
describe and support your presence online and to honestly, accurately communicate with the world.
